Gameplay Journal Entry #10

Jessica Caplova
2 min readMar 31, 2021

For my first idea, the concept is where the player is playing as a character struggling with mental health. With this game, I want to discuss poor work environments and how they promote unhealthy ways of living. In people, this can cause people to burnout or in, more extreme cases, have mental breakdowns. The main mechanics of this game will include going through the character’s days and, the player will be able to make choices that will affect the player’s mental health. Throughout the game, the player will experience the lack of assistance/care from their workplace. The game will explore different endings and different types of issues a person may experience.

For my second idea, I want to cover a character that is dealing with peer pressure. The values that the game is covering are peer pressure and consequences from actions. While many games cover how to deal/avoid peer pressure, I would like to explore the consequences of falling into peer pressure and how to navigate the aftermath. The game would be a text-driven game accompanied by images. The player will assume the roles of a character and will be taken through the process of peer pressure, the aftermath, and how to move on in a healthy way. The player will have multiple options and solutions in learning healthy coping mechanisms.

For my final idea, the player will help a friend who is currently going through a rough time. The value of this game is to teach players how to enforce boundaries. Many people have friends who struggle with mental health. While you can help them out, it is equally important to make sure your boundaries in place. This game will be a 2D scenario game. The player will be given different scenarios with different options. At the end, the player will be given a score. The higher the score is the, more willing the player is to bend their boundaries.

